How to use Smart links

We cover:

Introduction to Smart Links

Sometimes you need to split traffic coming to a short link and treat some visitors differently. That's when you need Smart Links.

Smart links are not just short links. They are powerful tools that give you the freedom to customize redirect rules. For example, with a single short link, you can direct users to different destinations based on the parameters you set and who clicks. The rules cover various criteria, including the operating system, browser, language, location, date/time window, total clicks, unique visits, and more! And the best part? You can update any destination URL at any time, giving you the flexibility to adapt your strategies as needed.

Smart Link always starts with simple short link.

To make short link into a Smart Link:

Smart Link Rules

Each Smart Link Rule has:

If none of the rules match, visitors will be redirected to the default URL - the destination of the original short link.

Rule Parameters

Rule parameters are the criteria to match visitors. We support following rule parameters:

List of supported rule parameters on your instance can be obtained through the Meta Info API.

Rule Precedence

Rules applied (matched) according to their Order.

If none of the rules match, visitors will be redirected to the default URL - the destination of the original short link.

If matching rule has subordinate rules, then these subordinate rules will be also applied (matched) according to their order.

If none of subordinate rules match, visitors will be redirected to their parent rule redirect URL.

Use ↑ and ↓ onscreen buttons to change rule order in the list.

Use → and ← onscreen buttons to subordinate rules or release them from subordination.

Smart Link Examples

A device example

As a result, it will route all visitors (including iOS) to the iPhone baseline destination and Android visitors to its dedicated Android destination:

Smart Link Example 1 - device routing

A Country-OS Example

Let's imagine we have a short link

To implement this routing we have to set as a default redirect URL for short link and than add three Smart Link rules like as follows:

Smart Link Example 2 - country routing

Now we have to subordinate Rule #3 to Rule #2. Use → onscreen button of Rule #3 to do so (or use Drag&Drop). Don't forget to save changes. Resulting rules will look like this:

Smart Link Example 2 - country and OS routing